Beyond Pronatalism: Share your story!
Would you like to be on the show to share your own story? We’d love to hear from you!
Send us a brief message (90 seconds or less) using the voice recorder on this page. Please include the following details in your message:
your name and country
your personal story briefly explaining how you experienced pronatalism in your life (for example, pressure from parents, partner, or friends to have children, difficulty accessing reproductive healthcare, such as contraceptives, abortion or sterilization, discrimination or insensitivity at the workplace for being single, childless, or childfree etc.) and how you navigated or are navigating that situation.
Note that your email address will remain private to us so we can communicate with you, and you may change your name on the show if you wish to stay anonymous.
On mobile, the recorder below only works in Chrome and Firefox on Android devices and in Safari on iOS devices.